Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Purpose of Your Burden

“Suffering is God’s megaphone to arose sleeping generation.” – Charles Spurgeon
First let me discuss what burden is, burden means carrying difficult situation and experiencing things that are really difficult to grip! No one can escape from such. Everyone including me can experience intricate times. The good news is God can’t tolerate in giving you a burden that you can’t handle! He will always provide way out in every after pain. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure (1 Corinthians 10:13). Indeed, you will also learn lessons from it. My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees (Psalm 119:71).
I don’t know you personally, but God has a wonderful plan for your life. When you know how to handle the burden He gives you, He will do miracles in your life. Indeed I can testify you, last September 2010; I was diagnosed with Dequerdin’s Disease (I am not that sure if this is how it was spelled) in layman’s term I got cyst on my tendon. I can barely move my left hand that time, so the doctor told me you can have surgery if you want. Of course, I was fully assured with my faith. I prayed to God “Lord, I am carrying a huge trouble that I can’t handle, but I know you are bigger than this. I am letting you to handle this” and I believed He is faithful. Few weeks after, God performed a great miracle in my life. My cyst disappeared without going to any surgery! It was faith.
You can’t understand why God is giving you this, if you can’t trust Him. Learn to trust God first and then you would understand. Seek not to understand your pain, seek God through your pain. There is a virtue in suffering as long as you suffer for right purpose. The burden becomes light when you follow the right way! Jesus said in Matthew “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Sometimes you need to admit and tell God that you are weary before He can give you rest. When a child is on pain he will surely tell his parents about it. Same is true with us; we should tell our Heavenly Father whatever bad things happened to us because He will surely help us!
A bit of encouragement, if you are parents right now teach your children on how to fix things out for them to grow mature. However, if you are still in a youth age train yourself – learn how to resolve everything with the help of God. Painful experience is the best teacher! It focuses us in what matters in life. It is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is young (Lamentations 3:27)
“Cherish your pain, for it is your friend; appreciate your hurt, for it is good to your heart.”
In every scars of your heart it represents a lesson that you’ve learned from your sufferings. Be proud of it! That is how God molds you to be a better and wonderful person that you can be. Also, through this, at least next time that you would encounter same situation, God has already prepared you and you are equipped enough!
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance (Romans 5:3)

Make a Right Choice

“Wherever you are right now it’s all because of your decisions you’ve made before.”
The greatest soldier in the world is not the brave one who goes in to battle without plan rather the humble one who knows his purpose for fighting and surrendering if needed. Same thing with life, sometimes you always make decisions without consulting God. I am also guilty about this. We are all experiencing dilemma in life. Which way to go? What clothes to wear? What foods to eat? What words to say? What things to do? Would you say sorry or not? Will you cry or laugh? Will you stand again or not? To surrender or to continue? Many questions will just pop-up in your way. At times, we need to pause for awhile and ask God what we should do. If you want to move or make a step of faith make sure that God’s approval is with you. It is better to be still and wait for the GO signal of God, rather than moving forward without the presence of God in you. Surely you will fall 99% if you make a decision on your own. You should consider this before you makes a decision; will you be a better Christian or will this make you like Jesus?
Allow God to speak to you with holiness. Always ask Him to cleanse you then God will reveal His self to you. He will let you know what you should do if you seek Him. Maybe you would ask me, how? God uses people as an instrument for you to recognize His plans. He can use your parents, leaders and friends. He gave you the privilege to have your own Bible for you to know His promises and will. He also uses environments; billboards, magazines, books, and stickers, etc. Don’t be surprise if sometimes you read words of wisdom everywhere because that is God’s nature in telling you His will. As far as God is concern, there is no accident in this world. Everything happens for a reason!
Lately, I am trying to save money for me to buy a laptop for the purpose of writing more for God. I am starving my self and wasn’t able to buy stuffs I want. That was really painful! Then I was put into a test. My friend asks me for a help. I know she is really in need but I really made an effort to have that money, I also need them! It would be difficult for me to give them to her. At first, I refused to lend her. That night when I was praying, God talked to me “you don’t need the money yet, give her a favor.” The Holy Spirit convicted me! The next morning I approached her and give her the favor she asked. I told her, “I am willing to give up my wants for your needs.” It hurts but I have to obey.
As time goes by, it was really feels good when you’ve helped someone in need. Since I became a channel of blessing God blessed me more! Sunday of that same week, I received the good news from my mom; she provide the money for my laptop. Alright! I won’t have to starve my self again. Answered prayers! What am I trying to point out here? Sometimes, God will allow us to be on the difficult dilemma. It’s on our hands whether to obey Him or not. In every obedience there is a blessings!
Right now.. seek the will of God. You will never be wrong!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Be a Communicable Christian

“Always be a contagious communicable Christian who always infect every person that you meet by your positive outlook in life.”  Joyce Joan J. Balle

What am I trying to say here? When you wake up in the morning and you’re frowning do you think the people around you will be blessed by your attitude? How about when a person is having a problem are you lifting him up or letting him feel down? When something went wrong to your life are going to entertain it or let it die in the natural way? When problem strikes you down are you willing to stand again and start a fresh and new beginning?
An individual has a healthy personality to the exact degree to which they have this character to look for the good in every situation. I am telling you this, someone needs your positive aura to lift theirs up.
One time, one of my friends talked to me right after receiving her grades from our professor. She told me that she failed and losing her hope to pass it. Of course as a Christian friend I need to get her hopes up so I told her “that is just okay – a better grade is yet to come! Prayers can move mountain. God is telling me right now we will pass this subject and go to mariveles together.” After I said that, she calmed down.

Suddenly I was about to go to the bed that night unexpectedly she texted me and telling me this “I just wanna say thank you for no apparent reason! I just remember the things you have said awhile ago. Just pray for me I know God is always listen to you.” I replied “With God all things are possible!”

Life is about sharing good thoughts about God that He is marvelous – great God that can change every corner of your life. You are already glorifying Him when you show them these things – when you let them distinguish that God can change every situation of life!
One Saturday I went to my dentist — the location of her clinic is just near on the hospital where my friend’s dad was confined. So i asked my friend if she was around so i can visit her dad. She replied she was not there. At first I decided not to visit anymore but something is telling me that I should. I know God was the one who is telling to visit her dad. I texted her again I asked her who was the one who is taking care of her dad. She replied that her mom was there. I went there, I met her mom for the second time around and her aunt was there too. We had a small talk and I just got noticed that her aunt is also a Christian. I said I was the one who invited Anne (that’s my friend’s name) on our church. We had a good conversation about God! Her mom told how Anne changed from a scrap into a beautiful adn responsible daughter.
Her mom told me “Never leave Anne, she need a friend like you. The moment she attended that church there something that was changed. She told her dad how much she love him, even though she cannot show it to him. but before she was not doing that. A lot of changes! Especially after she attended the church every saturday she is surprising us into a new her!” I just replied “Praise God! That’s the work of God tita.”

When I was about to leave her mom asked me a favor “can you pray for us before you go?” I prayed for them and her mom was crying! I know God touched their heart that moment and she said “soon I will go to that church also.”

Don’t be a selfish Christian, you should let your friends meet Jesus. Share Him in your words, actions and thoughts! When I realized thelove of God for me, when i encounter Jesus in my life I always find time to share Him to my friends. I never wasted a time to let them know all about the good things He has done for me — and also the things that He did to them. I showed them how happy I am with Him. How He loves us!
“I want to go to your church, it seems it can vanish problem.”
“I think, I will be happy if I become a Christian.”
“Christian people are so blessed.”
This are the comments I heard from them befor they went to the church. And when they met God they became overwhelmed to His love like I felt when I was a first timer! Worshiping God is not about the worship songs — it is all about His love to us because without thelove of God that are just an instruments and typical words without any meaning.
“Now I know how happy to know God and to be on His hands. Thank you, because of you I had a chance to encounter Him.”
When my friends was telling me this I had a same response “I am just an instrument of God who sent me to your life to encounter Him also as He did to me.”
Come on! Everyday you declaire that this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). Infect all the people around you with your virus called be a blessing.

Don’t Abuse Grace!

The grace of God was really poured out on this generation through Jesus! Amen.
I have a classmate who is also a Christian her name is Ria. Every morning we have this routine, we always do fellowship like talking about our praise reports and how He changed our life and everything about God. There was one time that we talked about sins, I don’t want to tell you about it in detail but the big blow I have learned from her was our generation is really a favored one. She said “We are so favored. Look at the old times, when people had sin they need to ask for forgiveness by burning animals and that sacrifice should be pure because nonetheless you wont be forgiven. But now… Look at our generation because of Jesus we can be easily cleanse by just asking for forgiveness — we don’t need to burn animals anymore we just need to repent. The grace of God is really on us!”
What a great message! Since we have grace that God has given us let us not abuse it. We were set free when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. According to the book of Peter we are free, yet we are God’s slaves, so don’t use our freedom as an excuse to do evil. So once we received Jesus in our life let us not go back from who we were before. Forward always forward! It is really an insult to God that you have known Him and yet you turn away from Him and go back to your former life. (Read 2 Peter 2:21 to understand for what I meant to say).
You miss wild parties all night long? Smoking and drinking bear? How about your immorality and lust? You won’t spend the rest of your life chasing your own desires, you have had enough in the past of the evil things that the godless people do. You might ask me, how can I do that? I don’t know how to start, but I really want to follow Jesus. My friends, my family and everybody knew me as this. They might be persecuting me.
Of course, your godless friends might slander you for being weak and not doing what you were doing before. Let them! They need to face God!
If your friends told you, “Why don’t you want to drink? Try this cigarette.” All you need to do is to tell them that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and by taking care of it we can Honor God. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Cut off your lust! Your eye is the lamp of your body. Always seek to see things without lust and immorality! When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness. (Luke 11:33-36)
Our lives here on earth is just temporary. We are foreigners in this place! There are a lot of parties in heaven. It is more fun than the parties here on earth. So wait for that time to come! And while waiting be a slave of God, serve Him with all your heart. It is better to be a slave of God than to be slave of sins!
You see… Your past life was really a scrap! God can throw it wherever He likes to. However, it is by grace that God isn’t being so slow in judging us (what I am trying to say here is the Judgment Day). He doesn’t want to judge both the living and the dead because He is still waiting for you to repent! I also had been there, people are persecuting me but all we need to do is fight the good fight of faith. It is better to suffer for doing what is right and if it’s for God than to suffer for doing what is wrong.
When Jesus owns your heart you are not the same person that the people knew, you are a new individual — the old you was gone and the new you was born! You were sinful, evil, wicked, immoral, etc. but Jesus cleansed you when you accepted Him as your personal Lord and Savior. Be glad! You were Born Again! Like a new born babies who crave for delicious milk for nourishment, you also should crave for your spiritual nourishment so that you will grow into a full experience of Salvation. Always taste the Lord’s kindness.
Always eat food’s for soul! yummy……… :D

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Small blessing counts!

“Take 5 minutes and sit quietly and reflect on all the blessings in your life.”  ---Catherine Pulsifer

Have you ever tried to stay up in the gloomy night thinking of your blessings then suddenly your depressing night turns to a blessed night? Have you ever realized that right now while reading this blog post, you are blessed because you were able to open the internet and surf? Have you ever counted even the smallest blessings that God gave you?

The way your heart pumps blood to your entire body that is already a blessing! Well, you can breathe; you can walk; you can think logically; you can eat three times a day or even more; that you can see your mom, your dad, your brothers and sisters, your friends, relatives; you can talk; you can hear. We can breathe air, there is a gravity that pulling us in place, there are trees and animals that we can eat, and we have shelters and clothes.

From the moment that you get up on bed – Praise God you are still alive! There is a food in your kitchen, you have money in your pocket – Praise God you have something to eat and you have money to get. Your parents are blessings too for without them you are not here. They work for you – to sustain your needs, enroll you to a university and give you your daily allowances. Your mom stays up late at night when you were a baby, carrying you until you sleep, fixing your hair, clothing you, prepares a food for you, wash your clothes and buy your stuff. They are blessings from GOD!

Sometimes these things are the most meaningful blessings that God gave us yet we ignore, neglect and overlook. We think that they were normally there; we used to them and take them as our daily routine in life but it’s the way that God is giving us the privilege to enjoy His given blessings!

While I was surfing the internet, watching inspirational clips I saw this video about Nick Vujicic. It made me cry and thank God for what I have. Nick Vujicic has no arms and legs but still enjoy his life. He still thank God despite of his condition and contented for what he has. My friend, God will always give you the reason to see every blessing in your life. I mean everything is blessings from God. Pain is God’s megaphone to call your attention and look up on Him. It’s not about what we say on our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving!

The moment you woke up in the morning, thank God that you were able to open your eyes and do this stuff. God is giving you a new fresh beginning to make and live your life to the fullest. You are blessed! You are favored! You are God’s children! Be sensitive on everything that you can see right now they are blessings from God; use them for His glory.

Above all, the greatest blessing that God gave us through Christ is the SALVATION! All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. But God treats us much better than we deserve, and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins (Romans 3:23-24)

Temptations are always in the corner. Satan is everywhere and wants to destroy, steal your joy with the blessings that God gave you. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. (John 10:10)

Last month, my mom went to the doctor for her regular pap-smear. Her doctor told her to have her ultrasound. That night, I went home happy and filled with joy then my mom showed me her ultrasound result. Since I belong to the medical field I can understand some. I read it, and she has an ovarian cyst. I was so depressed! Crying so hard! My mom went to my room I hugged her and prayed for her. After I prayed, we were both crying. I prayed for her every night, every hour or every moment I could. I became so depressed, I lost my focus! Thinking of it over and over again.

So my mom decided to go to her doctor without telling me. Her doctor told her, “This is just normal for us women, the cyst will go with your menstruation.” So she texted me and said this stuff, I was ridding a jeep that time and became so emotional. Answered prayers! Satan wants to steal the joy I have! But God is there to rescue me, to save me and my mom.

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13)